Daily Zero Waste Go-Tos 🪥
When becoming lower waste it’s important to make sure we only buy things that we will use and that actually prevent waste. 💭
- Large produce bag 🥥
- Wooden hairbrush 🌲
- Wooden toothbrush 🦷
- Coffee cup ☕️
- Small produce bag 🍅
It seems obvious but it can be so easy to scroll upon something like, in my case, a beautiful bamboo cutlery set and think yes! I need this! 🤩
But on second thought, I’m not sure when I would use it... I use steel cutlery at home and restaurants 🍴and I’m never caught out in need of them. The only thing I can think of is for hikes I would need something light to eat with but until that time comes they are just not something I need. 🏔
If someone else uses something daily I’m more inclined to look into buying it as I know it’s being used ☺️
What’re some zero waste gems you use on the regular?