Vegan Chicken and Pumpkin Seed Salad

This salad is so delicious you just have to try it. Really. It’s low in carb and high in protein and fat. A great one for getting fresh veggies in while enjoying a satiating meal.



1 small cucumber
Several cherry tomatoes
1 head lettuce (I used coral lettuce)
1 avocado

½ cup pumpkin seeds
200g vegan chicken pieces
1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp olive oil
Salt and pepper


Heat up the pumpkin seeds on a pan with the olive oil until they start to brown. Now, add the chicken pieces and turn the heat low. Keep an eye on this pan and stir often to make sure no pumpkin seeds burn.

Once the vegan chicken is sufficiently brown, turn off the heat and take the pan off the heat.

In a large salad bowl add diced cucumber and tomato. Add some salt and toss them together. Add the lettuce in small pieces (I use kitchen scissors for this) then add the avocado, diced.

In a small bowl mix the lemon juice, olive oil and salt and pepper until slightly emulsified. Add this mixture to the pan with the pumpkin seeds and chicken pieces. Stir it around with a spatula, then add it to the salad bowl.

Toss the salad together well but gently and you’re all done!
Hoki ki te rangitaki

Waiho he korero

Kia mahara, me whakaae nga korero i mua i te whakaputanga.